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Petits Propos Culinaires 88

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Some of the world’s most adventurous food historians contribute to this thrice-yearly journal of articles and excerpts from works in progress. The emphasis is on plain writing rather than jargon. Among the articles in this issue:

Almonds Along the Silk Road – The Exchange and Adaptation of Ideas from West to East- Ken Albala
Learning French in a Late Thirteenth-Century English Bakehouse - William Sayers
The Great Fig Hunt, Part 1 - Alastair Bland
The Education of a Gastronome: Brillat-Savarin. – The nouvelle cuisine, Enlightenment and Revolution Giles MacDonogh
The Savagnin grape, vin jaune, vin de paille, all from the Jura Gilly Lehmann
Cotognoaceto - Philip Iddison
Fish - Lynne Chatterton
Review Article: The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570), L’arte e prudenza d’un maestro cuoco: translated with commentary by Terence Scully Gillian Riley

As always, there are book reviews as well.

Paperback. In English. 

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