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Petits Propos Culinaires 70

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Some of the world’s most adventurous food historians contribute to this thrice-yearly journal of articles and excerpts from works in progress. The emphasis is on plain writing rather than jargon. Among the articles in this issue:

Diary - Medori Oshioka
Two poems James Crowden
Editing Recipes as Comparative Literature Constance B. Hieatt
Murderous Herbs Anthony Lyman Dixon
Fish Bones and English Food History Alison Locker
Comments on the Interpretation of Plagiarism Henry Notaker
Salt-rising Bread: A Continuing Conundrum Reinald S.Nielsen
An English Invention James Crowden
Flo Levy’s Matzah Dumplings Audrey Levy
A Kitchen Bookshelf Fiona Lucraft

As always, there are book reviews as well. 

nNote: Our copies are a variant black and white version of this cover. 

Paperback, in English. 

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