Petits Propos Culinaires 50
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Some of the world’s most adventurous food historians contribute to this thrice-yearly journal of articles and excerpts from works in progress. The emphasis is on plain writing rather than jargon. In these early issues you are able to see food studies begin to establish itself as a discipline as the tenor of reviews evolve, and calls for contributors and conferences proliferate. Among the articles in this issue from 1997.
What Was the Old Woman Doing? - Gillian Riley
Whims and Fancies of a Trifle-lover - Helen J. Saberi
Preserved Lemons - Charles Perry
Winter Comforts: Cooking Scenes in Medieval Calendars - Bridget Ann Henisch
Some Thoughts on the Classic French Chocolate Mousse - Audrey Levy
From Quarter-deck to Cooking Pot - Michael D. Coe and Ernesto Vitetti
The Denby Dale Pie - Laura Mason
On Long-cooked Eggs - Harold McGee
Welsh Cookery Books - R. Elwyn Hughes
Hell Upon Earth, or The Joys of Viper Soup - Simon Varey
As always, there are book reviews as well.